Q: I think you overlooked the attitude shown by Bruno Marchon, who suggested car drivers shouldn’t be driving into the congested fire disaster area in the Santa Cruz Mountains just to get road reopening information. You were correct in that.

But you totally missed the point that this isn’t the time for recreational cyclists, either. It shows that he’s doing exactly what he accused the car driver of — telling the other side to stay out of his way.

Todd Lowentein, San Jose

A: Whoa, did this hit a nerve with motorists who believe bicyclists should also avoid the area, as many drivers have.

Q: Marchon uses polite words like “respectfully” and “empathize” for the homeowner worried about her house. However, all he talks about are the rights of cyclists. For the homeowner, Marchon “does not think driving to the site every day to get valuable information about reopening is the right way to proceed.” So what is the correct way, sir?

A fire zone is no place for recreational hiking, biking or driving. For now, simply stay away so those affected can access the area as simply as possible. No one said we don’t have the right to go there. Of course we do. It’s about having the courtesy and common sense to avoid such areas until the stressful event has passed.

Denise Flippo, Mountain View

A: Far too many days have been far too stressful for all of us.

Q: Addressing the logic of Bruno, we live in a society comprised of a lot of people that happen to be (dependent) , in no small part, on automobiles. I don’t like that fact, but it is a fact. And it plays a big role in destroying the environment.

But to then turn around and assert one’s rights as an individual and posit those against others who are simply trying to live and survive in a world that seems to have gone mad is a bit individualistic and selfish. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the Brunos of the world.

Tom Kelly

A: And …

Q: This isn’t a share-the-road situation. The point is that the crisis is not over for those who live there. Go find another road to ride up. There are plenty.

And I’m sure emergency and utility workers don’t appreciate having to deal with a cyclist while they’re out doing their job. Just because you weren’t affected doesn’t mean it’s “everything back to normal” for the area.

David J.

A: And that is today’s final thought, but you can be sure it won’t be the last on this debate.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat at noon Wednesday at www.mercurynews.com/live-chats. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.